About Us

Unite Studio aims to empower, nurture and grow wellness within everyone who attends our studio. We want you to feel comfortable and confident in our studio whether you are new to the Pilates Reformer, or have years of experience.

Our community is strong and we welcome people of all abilities, fitness levels and experience.

Meet the Team

  • Anna Gee


    Anna is a Myotherapist, mother of two boys and a keen runner. She grew up in the Goulburn Valley and has lived and worked in the UK.

    Anna completed her Clinical Pilates training at DMA 13 years ago. She is passionate about helping people improve their movement and lifestyle.

    Anna's favourite reformer exercise is any involving the feet in straps.

  • Evan Cooknell


    Evan is a Myotherapist and father of one. He grew up in the Goulburn Valley and is well established in the community.

    Evan loves using reformer pilates to challenge people in their bodies, and is known for his higher intensity classes, although he is able to modify his classes to suit all participants needs.

    Evan doesn’t really have a favourite reformer pilates exercise, but he enjoys using all the props to keep things fresh. Just don’t expect him to count down quickly!

  • Alison Potter


    Alison is a Myotherapist and mother of two girls. She grew up in Shepparton, moved to Melbourne to pursue work and study, and has recently returned to Shepparton with her family.

    Alison has a special interest in womens health and has achieved certification in pre- and post-natal health. She is keen to support people through improving mobility and improving quality of life, through reformer pilates.

    Alison’s favourite reformer pilates exercise is the mermaid stretch.