
Reformer pilates is great for mobility and fitness, by increasing overall strength, stability and flexibility. This can lead to improved focus and decreased stress and tension, thereby improving your overall health and well-being.

Reformer pilates can also assist with rehabilitation of injuries, conditioning and re-conditioning following an absence from exercise. Our Reformer Pilates classes provide a low impact way for people of all ages and fitness levels to experience these benefits.

Unite Studio’s super friendly Pilates team are dedicated to delivering innovative, inspiring and enjoyable classes for you in a small group environment.

Our team will work alongside you to ensure you get the most out of every class, assisting and supporting you to achieve personal goals.

Class types

Reformer Pilates

Reformer Pilates classes focus on utilising the entire body to improve strength, flexibility, balance and posture. These classes are suitable for all fitness levels.

** Minimum age to attend these classes is 16.

Mums & Bubs Reformer Pilates

Reformer Pilates classes focusing on improving strength, flexibility, balance and posture for parents. The exercises aim to target the body in areas that commonly present challenges in daily family life.

Exercises can be modified or changed based on what stage you are in your post-partum journey.

**Post-natal clients must have clearance from their medical professional to commence exercise after birth.

**Babies attending classes cannot be mobile for safety.

U-time: Semi-supervised studio free time

This is U-time. Come in and use the reformers at a time when there are no timetabled classes.

You can attend a 1 : 1 session to have a program tailored to your needs or work off one of our programs that will be available in the studio. 

Beginner Reformer Pilates

An introduction to the Reformer, whilst learning the fundamental pilates exercises.  These classes are run at a slower pace, with a high level of focus on posture and alignment. They will help you build confidence with movement patterns, whilst becoming familiar with the Reformer. 

Private 1 : 1 Reformer Pilates

Completely tailored to the individual based on their current presentation and short/long term movement goals.  

Ideal for those who need an extra bit of attention.  

** These are suitable for pre/post injury rehabilitation, pregnancy/post natal plus injury-free individuals wanting more of an individual focus.

Please contact to book a private session.  

Focus on U Reformer Pilates

These sessions allow an instructor to focus on each client's individual needs and guides them appropriately. These are great if you have an injury which requires rehab or would just prefer to move at a slower pace with more specific guidance.

**After you have completed your 1 : 1 session and have a program tailored to your needs, you may attend our focus group sessions.